There are some unusual application areas of Process Algebra. A few are listed below. Could SubScript support those? Please contact us in case you want to share such applications.
Most download items have been archived under
Processes in Space (a very special paper by Cardelli and Gardner)
Toward a Quantum Process Algebra
Survey ‘Robustness in Immune System Models’
Understanding and Approximating Process Algebra Models of Biological Systems
Bio-PEPA: an extension of the process algebra PEPA for biochemical networks
Philosophy of Money and Finance
Parallel Processes with Implicit Computational Capital
LARIS – LAnguage for Railway Interlocking Specifications
Specifications in stochastic process algebra for a robot control problem
Social Sciences
Process algebra modeling of human communication (paper)
Formal description of the cognitive process of decision making (paper)
The Musical Weighted Synchronous Calculus of Communicating Systems
A Process Algebra for Stochastic Music Composition (1995) (postscript file)